Planning a wedding proposal takes months of brainstorming for ideas, weeks of preparation and days of worrying about the big event. It can be a daunting task but we are sure your girlfriend deserves every bit of that effort. Do not worry our excited groom-to-be! We will help you with your proposal and your girlfriend is going to take back all the times she said you fail at surprises!

Proposals can be organised at any one of our destinations, just say the name and we will be there! This is how our surprise proposal photoshoot package works:
1. Book Your Photoshoot In Advance
For those planning to propose on your little getaway together, note down your dates and let us know as soon as possible. We have a tight schedule so book early to avoid disappointments! After the dates are confirmed, we will be working with you closely and exchanging selfies so that we can follow the right couple.

2. The Fateful Spot
We know that you’ve probably never even stepped foot into the country that you are about to propose at. Fret not, this is where we come in with the best proposal spots in the city!
You can also check out the top 11 beautiful Pre-wedding shoot locations for some inspirations!

Our local team has a nick for finding the best shooting locations that you probably can’t even search for on Google! Let us know how you want your ideal proposal setting to look like and we will recommend you a list of places to suit your needs.

3. Pre-proposal preparation
A proposal is not complete without the most beautiful bouquet to match your gorgeous girlfriend. However, you will probably be spending the whole of your proposal day trying to hide your ring and convince your girlfriend that there’s nothing fishy. Leave the buying of flowers to us! (Note: Small bouquets only! We won’t be able to take beautiful pictures of you while struggling to hold on to your flowers!)

4. The Build Up
This is where things get a little sneaky! There are two styles of photoshoot that you can opt for. First, we will let you know the meet-up point in advance. Make sure you enter from the meet-up point so that we can stalk you and your girlfriend and take paparazzi shots from a distance!

Alternatively, we will let you know the exact location to propose and we will be hiding at a distance to capture the perfect moment!
5. The Moment Of Truth
This is the moment we have all been planning for! All you have to do now is position yourself, smile, look handsome and enjoy the moment. Leave the hard work to us, we will be at the sidelines frantically clicking our shutters and cheering you on!

It’s been a long, nerve-wracking day for you and this is the time to unwind. We will introduce ourselves and expect a gasp from your girlfriend! Finally a successful surprise! We will then continue the photoshoot around the area to document this special day of yours.

This will mark the end of your proposal journey with us and all that’s left to do is to enjoy the rest of your stay and celebrate your marriage! If you are planning an overseas proposal, do head over to our website and choose your destination!
We are always excited about proposal bookings and we would love to be part of your big milestone! For more proposal inspirations, check out our clients’ proposal stories! You can also follow our Instagram for a quick look at our successful surprise proposals!