For our readers who are of the Christian faith, celebrating your matrimony in the presence of God is definitely an important planning process. Besides picking your favourite bible verses and procuring a priest, the church venue is something that you’d like to spend some time considering too.
With so many churches in Singapore to pick from, we’ve listed 10 churches and have even added snippets of wedding information about them for you.
“I have found the one whom my soul loves.” Song of Solomon 3:4
1. Armenian Apostolic Church of St. Gregory the Illuminator

At St. Gregory the Illuminator, there are 2 slots that couples can pick from to hold their ceremony – a morning slot from 9am to 1pm and an afternoon one from 2pm to 6pm. The church can sit approximately 100 guests, while the garden area close by can accommodate an outdoor reception with 200 guests. In 2015, the minimum donation for a four hour time period wedding was $2,600, so couples should expect to donate a similar amount.
All Christian denominations are welcome, but the church does not have a resident priest to conduct the ceremony. Hence, couples ought to procure the priest on their own. For more information on the venue, please contact them at: weddings@armeniansinasia.org
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Being an early Gothic styled 19th century chapel with grandeur structure and magnificent chandeliers, CHIJMES Hall has been a popular venue for chapel solemnisation’s. Facilities such as air condition, screen with integrated AV equipment, stage and wifi are available at the venue. Simply head over to their website to fill up the enquiry form if you wish to book the CHIJMES Hall.
Also, since the venue is well-known for their great photo locations, why not plan for a photoshoot before your solemnisation with one of our photographers?
3. Saint Mary of the Angels

After procuring a parish priest to celebrate your wedding at the Saint Mary of the Angels, soon to wed couples are to complete and return the wedding booking form to the parish office together with a refundable deposit of $200. Couples can download the form here or get a copy of one from the parish office.
Lovely floral arrangements can also be arranged and prepared by the Sacristan ladies. Please consult with Ms Teresa Pang through the parish office at parish@stmary.sg or at +65 6567 3866 for more information.
4. Prinsep Street Presbyterian Church
Saturday sights ⛪️ #beforeigotdrenched
A photo posted by Samantha Kwan (@gdsamaritan) on
Since it’s construction in 1930, the Prinsep Street Presbyterian Church has remained in it’s Romanesque style. Of big arches and red bricks surrounding the external of the building, the church would also make a good photo spot for you and your family and friends!
5. Church of Saint Teresa

The Church of Saint Teresa has some guidelines regarding a wedding solemnization at their venue. For example, the wedding is to be held on a Saturday morning (10am or 11am) or a Saturday afternoon (2pm or 3pm). If the couple prefers to hold it on a weekday, it is preferred that it be held around 5pm. Soon to wed couples are also encouraged to engage in the church choir and florist. For more information, please visit the website to attain the booking form.
6. Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Soon to wed couples are eligible to celebrate your marriage at the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary if you or your fiancé stays within the boundary, or is an active member of the parish.
However, if you are not a parishioner of the church, you would need to source for your own priest to officiate the wedding. For more information, please download their extensive PDF file on their website or call them at +65 6280 0980.
7. Church of Saint Francis Xavier
With beautiful stained glass windows, a long aisle for the bride to march in and a bell tower at the side, the Church of Saint Francis Xavier will make a splendid wedding venue. Regrettably, their website is currently undergoing some changes so for more information regarding your wedding plans, please call Ms Joyce Tan at +65 6280 6076 or email her at secretariat@sfxchurch.sg.
8. Saint Andrew’s Cathedral
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Having a marriage ceremony at St Andrew’s Cathedral is reserved for members of the church only as the church feels it’s more meaningful for Christians to get married in their own churches where they worship. However, as long as one party of the soon to wed couple is a confirmed member of the Cathedral, they would be more than happy to conduct the church wedding for you. Couples will then need to make their application approximately a year before the actual wedding date.
9. Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succor

Weddings must be made 6 months in advance at the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour. The wedding mass will be held on a Saturday at 9am or 12 noon. Please email the church’s secretariat at secretariat@olps.sg to check on the date and time availability. Also, soon-to-wed couples would need to contact the Priest to confirm if he is able to solemnise the wedding. Please check their website for the opening hours of the Parish Secretary and for more information.
10. Saint George’s Church
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Due to many church activities, the use of St George’s Church premises for a wedding is reserved only for St. George’s Church members. At least one partner of the soon-to-wed couple must be a St. George’s member. For more information, please call the church office at +65 6473 2877.
After selecting your church solemnisation venue, why not head over to our ultimate list of wedding venues in Singapore to look for another venue to host the wedding banquet? Looking to serve your wedding guests with a feast? Check out our top 15 singapore wedding caterers!